Category: Human trafficking
Human Trafficking: A Growing Epidemic and the Urgent Need for Awareness
Human Trafficking: A Growing Epidemic and the Urgent Need for Awareness Introduction Human trafficking is the new age version of slavery. It involves forcefully taking a person using fraud, lies, and coercion to get some work (labor) or sexual activity in return. Human trafficking does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, male, female, thin, fat, old,…
Unraveling the Complex Web of Human Trafficking: A Call for Deeper Research
Unraveling the Complex Web of Human Trafficking: A Call for Deeper Research Introduction Most investigations on human and drug trafficking arguments have taken a narrow or just focus on a specific country or have a very loose deep approach. Many researchers have focused on Europe, basically in the Middle East. They focus on an inclusive…
Addressing the Urgent Need to Combat Human Trafficking
Addressing the Urgent Need to Combat Human Trafficking Introduction Human trafficking is when someone is forced into sexual behaviors. Human trafficking is known as “white slavery.” Human trafficking should be prohibited in the world, and traffickers should serve a reasonable time in jail. No one should ever get used for sex against their own will…
Human Trafficking: Risk Factors and Ethical Responsibilities
Human Trafficking: Risk Factors and Ethical Responsibilities Introduction The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (USDHS, n.d.) defines human trafficking as “modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act” (p.1). Millions of people are said to suffer from being in forced labor. (Zimmerman…
The Dual Role of Technology in Combating and Facilitating Human Trafficking
The Dual Role of Technology in Combating and Facilitating Human Trafficking Introduction Did you know sex trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises in the world? Many of us are blind to the fact that sex trafficking goes on in our society every day, and many of us have little knowledge of what sex…
The Complex Reality of Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia
The Complex Reality of Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia Battling Complex Human Trafficking Threats When it comes to security, it no longer revolves around traditional threats such as military confrontations or territorial disputes. The present world’s threats arise from modern, non-traditional threats such as natural disasters and transnational crimes. In the case of transnational crimes,…
Exploring the Complexities of Human Trafficking
Exploring the Complexities of Human Trafficking The Complex Dynamics of Labor Trafficking Victimization Labor trafficking involves the victimization of people through involuntary labor (De Vries & Farrell, 2018, p. 630). It is considered a form of human trafficking under U.S. Federal law, codified in the Victims of Trafficking Violence Act (TVPA) of 2000, as the…
Exploring the Complexities of Human Trafficking Networks and Victim Dynamics
Exploring the Complexities of Human Trafficking Networks and Victim Dynamics Dynamics of Human Trafficking and Exploitation The below-referenced article is a substantial research project on human trafficking. The study revealed some facts about the problem and the lack of specific statistics because of the largely secretive nature of the problem with an in-depth analysis of…
In Unit 1, we explored the complexities of human trafficking, focusing on framew
In Unit 1, we explored the complexities of human trafficking, focusing on framew In Unit 1, we explored the complexities of human trafficking, focusing on frameworks like the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), and the Palermo Protocols. Now, your task is to delve deeper into current global legislation and…